Mul-ti-pass!: The Fifth Element
Choosing this movie was easy. There have been movies that I have deliberately not told certain individuals I haven't seen because they'd freak out. The Fifth Element has been the movie I haven't told my in-laws about because it is Hubbs's father's ABSOLUTE FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME, OMG. Seriously, he loves it. So I was prepared for something a bit ridiculous and full of action. I was not disappointed. We start off in Egypt, in the early 20th century. We're told of a rare event, in which Light and Dark forces face off for the fate of the universe. The weapon of this event is something created when Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water are combined with a fifth element. Flash forward to the distant future, where the universe is on the brink of war between the evil and divine. A being of divinity is created in a lab, where she breaks out, and jumps off of the skyscraper into the taxi of a former military officer. The ex-officer can't refuse (because of...