
Showing posts from April, 2015

Mul-ti-pass!: The Fifth Element

Choosing this movie was easy. There have been movies that I have deliberately not told certain individuals I haven't seen because they'd freak out. The Fifth Element has been the movie I haven't told my in-laws about because it is Hubbs's father's ABSOLUTE FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME, OMG. Seriously, he loves it. So I was prepared for something a bit ridiculous and full of action. I was not disappointed. We start off in Egypt, in the early 20th century. We're told of a rare event, in which Light and Dark forces face off for the fate of the universe. The weapon of this event is something created when Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water are combined with a fifth element. Flash forward to the distant future, where the universe is on the brink of war between the evil and divine. A being of divinity is created in a lab, where she breaks out, and jumps off of the skyscraper into the taxi of a former military officer. The ex-officer can't refuse (because of...

Teaser: Movie #5

Drumroll, please! And the winner is... Look out for the next post coming soon! -Hannah

Life Finds A Way: Jurassic Park (Parts 1-3)

Welcome back, everyone. This next choice was a tough one. I was told that for Jurassic Park , I really needed to do all three in one go. The basic story premise for the first movie was that a bunch of scientists and one really big moron  visionary decide to bring dinosaurs back from extinction using a combination of DNA found in prehistoric mosquitoes that had been preserved in amber and the DNA of present day frogs. They then took these dino/frog hybrids and wanted to create a theme park based on showing off these creatures. Things get out of hand, and it turns into one big disaster after that. Alright, so the first Jurassic Park was overall more than I anticipated. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the CGI, and the quality of the acting. The movie's score was also phenomenal. The story was incredibly impossible, though. It was bad. Like, really bad. It's not so much the fact that the bad science bothered me, but the fact that the story relied S...

The Dude Abides: The Big Lebowski

An acquaintance in high school loved this movie, and I knew it was already part of our movie collection, so I figured that " The Big Lebowski " was a decent place to start. Wow. For starters, I was incredibly unprepared for this. The only things I knew about the movie were that Jeff Bridges plays a guy called "The Dude," and that stoners love it. Really, I had no idea what was about to happen. The movie starts out with a monologue about the upcoming story and following the journey of a tumbleweed. This goes on long enough that I turned to Hubbs, and said, "Are you sure this is the right movie?" He looks over... Alright, alright... This isn't what I imagined, that's all. So focus on this guy, The Dude, whose house is being broken into by some pissed off mobsters, who then proceed to pee on this rug. On a quest to replace his rug, The Dude meets a guy with the same name (Lebowski) who he believes owes him a rug to replace the original...

Beginning: The Prologue

As with all movies, our adventure begins with a bit of backstory.  My backstory is not particularly interesting. I grew up in a small, Midwestern town with a very conservative family. We had a routine of a family night every Friday, consisting of movies, pizza, popcorn, and soda (all of the things that were considered a treat in our household). Usually the movies were something that was family themed. I never watched anything rated PG-13 until my 13th birthday (" O, Brother, Where Art Thou? " for those who were wondering). I never watched anything rated R until my 18th birthday (" Zodiac " again, for those of you who were wondering). We never really watched anything that was considered a "must see" or a "classic".  The original inspiration came from one such evening. We were watching Eddie Murphy's stunning classic, " The Haunted Mansion ". Yes, *that* Haunted Mansion. I can't tell you exactly what went through m...